A continuous, comprehensive and multidimensional approach to measuring impact

Enterprises incubated
Seed funding raised
Lives impacted
Direct jobs
Women-led enterprises
Enterprises incubated
Women-led enterprises
Lives impacted
Direct jobs
Seed funding raised
Measuring Impact the Multidimensional Way
At Villgro, we make innovative social enterprises become more impactful

We designed a multidimensional impact measurement methodology* that captures impact across the social, infrastructure and environment dimensions

The impact methodology helps us perpetuate a virtuous cycle where the better understanding of data, the impact being created and new business opportunities feed off each other

We back enterprises that are financially viable, have scalable operating models and can create impact at scale
Measuring Impact the Multidimensional Way
At Villgro, we make innovative social enterprises become more impactful

We designed a multidimensional impact measurement methodology* that captures impact across the social, infrastructure and environment dimensions
*We align impact measurement with SDG and IRIS metrics

The impact methodology helps us perpetuate a virtuous cycle where the better understanding of data, the impact being created and new business opportunities feed off each other

We back enterprises that are financially viable, have scalable operating models and can create impact at scale
Defining Value Creation for Social Enterprises
Business Value of Impact
We evaluate the business value of impact by examining innovations based on 5 crucial parameters:





These parameters help us gauge how these innovations enhance the lives of end-users, making services accessible, affordable, and delivering timely benefits and opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.
Social value of Impact
Social value of impact assesses the positive changes that extend beyond numbers making businesses impactful and inclusive. This includes parameters like:
Number of marginalized lives enriched through affordable and accessible products

Partnerships forged through networks of various stakeholders such as FPOs, NGO, and rural institutions

Healthcare services that addresses health concerns, creates awareness and opportunities for individuals at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP).

Environment value of Impact
We assess the environmental value of impact by examining how enterprises and innovations contribute to sustainable practices and reduce the ecological footprint based on several crucial parameters:
Natural resource optimization

Waste management efficiency

Sustainable agriculture practice

Business Value of Impact
We evaluate the business value of impact by examining innovations based on 5 crucial parameters:





These parameters help us gauge how these innovations enhance the lives of end-users, making services accessible, affordable, and delivering timely benefits and opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.
Social value of Impact
Social value of impact assesses the positive changes that extend beyond numbers making businesses impactful and inclusive. This includes parameters like:
Number of marginalized lives enriched through affordable and accessible products

Partnerships forged through networks of various stakeholders such as FPOs, NGO, and rural institutions

Healthcare services that addresses health concerns, creates awareness and opportunities for individuals at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP).

Environment value of Impact
We assess the environmental value of impact by examining how enterprises and innovations contribute to sustainable practices and reduce the ecological footprint based on several crucial parameters:
Natural resource optimization

Waste management efficiency

Sustainable agriculture practice

We combine evidence of this real world impact with mainstream commercial viability
The IMMpact Program
For Early and growth stage startups who want to:
Measure Impact better
Do better Business
Pitch directly to leading impact investors